Monday, December 19, 2011

Week Ending December 18th 2011 (Week 8 of 12)

This past week was a mixed bag with regard to training. Started out slowly but then as the went on it got better and better until Saturday when I thought this is more like it. Only for something in my bad leg to get sore. After having Achilles tendinitis you tend to be a bit of a wuss and watch for the first signs of trouble.

Monday - 55 minutes easy running. Very easy after Sunday's mega run
Tuesday - 55 minute run with 11x1 minute on and 1 minute off. These are hard but enjoyable workouts.
Wednesday - 50 minute easy running as tomorrow is big run and a visit to the physio in the afternoon.
Thursday - 100 minutes 1:45 or 23K including 10x800 with 2:30 recovery. Since I don't have a track and don't like running at the Y on their T'mills (been asked to get off in the middle of a workout is not the greatest) I did these on my normal route home which included hills, slippy roads, traffic lights etc, etc. So these were more like 10x 3minutes felt good afterwards. Amazed at how much bringing drink with me changed the run from a week before.
Friday - Took the day off. As we had some important things to do.
Saturday - 85 minutes or 1:25 or 18.77K - This was the first progression type run of the build up 15-20K Tempo starting at normal running speed and then finishing at faster than race pace, well we blow the barn doors off that run!! Yeah Baby that's what I'm talking about!! I was hitting (according to the Garmin) sub3:20 per K pace at times with the last five K's at 10K pace. Felt great, until had to go to work and then I felt something around my left Achilles complain. It didn't seem to swell and its not sore so I'll be icing it over and cutting out both the speed and long runs for a couple of days to see if anything changes.
Sunday - Leg was feeling good still no swelling or soreness so I took it easy and ran on the Treadmill for about an hour. maximum speed was a whooping 7:5 minute miles.

Two more weeks of building up and then two weeks of sharpening/peaking and I'm done. Looking forward to it. now if my legs will hold up for a couple more weeks.

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