Hi There,
These tight calves have got me thinking (can you smell the burning from where your sitting?) If I can't keep the mileage that I'm currently doing how can I add more miles to my training? So instead of running to work I could ride my bike a couple of days a week an may run before work......the cycling would help my legs recover between workouts and I would then have at least 5 hours between runs (more than what I have right now) this way I'd still be home in the evening at a good time so I can spend some time with the young fella before he goes to bed.
The schedule would something like this:
Monday - Commute to work and Back Total (42K) Run 12K
Tuesday - Run Lunch = 12K / Run Evening =15K
Wednesday - Commute to work and Back Total (42K) Run 12K
Thursday - Run Lunch = 12K / Run Evening =15K
Friday - Commute to work and Back Total (42K) Run 12K
Saturday - Long Run (30 - 38K)
Sunday - Recovery Run (60 minutes)
So between cycling to work and running I'd be doing approx. 250K a week. Now if cycling is 1.5 times easier than running I'd be doing the equivalent of 180K per week....which is a lot of Mileage. My only problem with adding cycling to the mix is cycling and running don't really work together. But on the other hand when I training for Tri's I never had any problems with injuries until I added more running (mind you I wasn't running very fast then either).
Also on Sunday afternoons I think I'll take the young fella swimming. Its not really swimming as such, but its a chance for me to let my legs recover from the weeks training (we were doing this throughout the winter, its just that the session ended about a month ago)
First things first - get the tightness out of the calves. Will keep you updated on how that's going.