Well its almost time to think about going to Dublin for the race. But I've had a couple of other things to worry about this week or so. My training up to now has not been the best, not bad but not the best that it could be. Last weekend I ran for 80 minutes on Saturday and then 1:50 on Sunday morning with about an hour at race pace and then on Monday I ran for 2:30 which included a good number of hills. Tuesday I then ran easy (very easy for me) for 45 minutes, but missed yesterday due to workload, I also missed the last XC race (for me anyways) as I was still working late.
So up until Tuesday I was pretty happy with how things are going, but on Tuesday I noticed that there is a problem with my left foot that only appears when running, I can't seem to toe off as I normally would. I can't seem to bend my big toe on that foot as much as I can on the other. On Friday I'll get an adjustment and bring that up with the Chiro. Not sure what brought this on, I think it could be a combination of new Hardwood floors and not getting enough stretching in, it may in fact be the shoes that I wore on Sunday.
Once I get to Dublin, I was going to begin my taper but I don't think I'm going to cut back as much as I normally would now...(no long runs however) I'll get a few short paced runs in and a bunch of easy runs.
This last month or so has seen a number of solid results from Edmonton based runners. A couple of the guys I run with had some very good performances at the Chicago Marathon, both Kevin Masters and Marc Meunier both came home with great new PB's. A.J Rankel ran a solid race in the Berlin Marathon, made even more amazing that he ran with a cast on one of his arms, then at the Victoria Marathon Jonathon (AKA Basil) Withey from the FastTrax team ran a PB to finish in the top ten, while Stephen Toal ran under 3 hours in Victoria (not sure if that's a PB for Stephen. Also I can't forget Jason Kincaid's performance at the Hawaiian Ironman.
Great job everyone!!
I try and take these performances and use them as a positive for my own race yet to come. I would like to get on the plane with a new PB, even if its only a second faster than my previous PB, as then I would have something to shoot for in the spring.
Thanks for reading - Will update while in Dublin.